Hello everyone!
Sir Post-A-Lot here on a lovely Wednesday morning. Hopefully all you lovely people are doing well and enjoying this first hump day of the month of March!
Today we bring you an article from psychologytoday.com and they write about why we cheat on our partners.
When we speak about infidelity, the first thoughts usually jump to notions of lust and desire, where it is often the desires of the flesh that would prompt individuals to cheat on their partners. Whilst this can be one of the major reasons that one would cheat, it is not the only reason. There are many other reasons why this can happen, and the good folks at psychologytoday.com do a great job running us through possible reasons why we do so.
Cheating can be very destructive to a relationship. Whilst many relationships may not survive this, those that too can sometimes find that their relationship turns out being stronger than ever. And the reason why this happens is because when confronting the why’s of cheating, we are forced to confront the problems and deficiencies in the relationship, as well in ourselves. Couples who are able to face these demons and overcome them will find that they become that much stronger and resilient.
So clickety clack here and have a read! Have a good day folks and I’ll see all of you soon!