Hi there folks!
Sir Post-A-Lot here wishing you all a pleasant Wednesday morning! I hope that wherever you are in this wondrous place called planet Earth that you’re all doing fine and being the absolute best that you can be.
Today we bring you an excellent piece from the good people at goodtherapy.org. And today, they write about the perspectives of someone who is depressed and what it’s like in a day in their shoes.
Depression is something that gets bandied around very often. Think about the times you spend with your friend at yumcha sessions, or over dinner. I’m sure more than one of us have heard of our friends saying, “Wah, my boss riding me super hard lah, damn depression!”, or “I feel so depressed, Man U lost again!”, or maybe we’ve been guilty of saying so ourselves. But what does someone who is depressed actually experience?
The article from goodtherapy.org helps give us a quick glimpse into what it’s like to be depressed. But better than that, it also gives us some good insights into what we can do if we know of loved ones who are going through a rough time, and what we can do for ourselves if we’re doing badly.
So head on over to goodtherapy.org for a good read. Till next time folks! Sir Post-A-Lot signing off!
P.s. If you want to have some insights into the mind of someone who suffers from anxiety, click here!