Hello everyone!
Just one more week before Malaysians everywhere get to enjoy a long festive weekend! We truly are a country blessed with diverse culture and backgrounds, not to mention an abundance of public holidays! Yay!
Many of us will be using this final week before the holidays to try and finish up our work and meet whatever deadlines that we have. It can be a very stressful time as the work piles on, which makes it doubly important that we learn to look after ourselves and don't allow ourselves to be burned out. As the old saying goes, prevention is always better than the cure.
Today we bring to you an article from goodtherapy.org. The article gives us some solid advice on how to look after yourself especially when we're working our socks off all the time. They provide us with some really simple ideas and tips on how to both identify when we're getting close to burnt out, and what we can do to avoid or manage it.
So head on over to goodtherapy.org and have a read! It may just make this one final week before the holidays that much more bearable!
Have a good week everyone!