Hello once again!
What's this, two posts in one week?! Yes, Sir Post-a-lot is trying to make up for lost time! The good team at The Mind tells me that there is something called #ThrowbackThursday. I though it was a day where we just threw things at one another, but they stopped me throwing my shoes at them and said that it was just a tag for us to re-post somethings we have posted up before!
So we bring you once again, the article and interview on procrastination done by our very own Director and Clinical Psychologist, Joel Low! Clickety-clack on the links below and have a read or listen, whichever you choose!
Have a good Thursday all! Perhaps I can still sneak in a throw or two whilst no one is looking!
Hello everyone!Ironically, this post today is about procrastination. Yes we realise there's been a significant disruption to our regular posts, and we apologise! But we've gotten things back on track and you can expect more regular posts from us once again!
Today, we bring you something a little different to whet your appetites. Our Director and Clinical Psychologist, Joel Low will be live on air on BFM 89.9 to give an interview on Procrastination based on an article he wrote which you can read here.
He'll be on at 3.00pm, so if you're driving around, or if you're stuck in a cubicle procrastinating, click on this link and have a listen! Or just tune in to 89.9fm if you're in the Klang Valley region!
Have a good one all! Happy Procrastinating!
Edit. If you missed the live show, you can check it on the Bfm89.9 podcast right here.