In high school, I sought out counselling because of some struggles I faced. The care and attention I received changed the way I saw myself, and the things around me, and inspired me to pursue a life in counselling. It was around this time as well, when I was unable to score well on my science papers during the STPM examinations, which left me in a bind when considering tertiary education options. Feeling lost, I went to my school’s student services and guidance centre. They shared a wide range of possible options for me, but what sealed the deal for me was when I completed a Holland Code Career Test, and it suggested that I had a knack for psychological roles. This, combined with my earlier, defining experiences with my own therapist lead me down a path to pursue a career in counselling.
After a three years Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Psychology course, I became a counselling teacher that teaches counselling as a subject in the class covering various topics including self-concept, bullying, sex education and etc. During this time, I also managed to provide coaching session to students with academic issues. These experiences helped me crystalise my passion for listening, and helping others, and the next intuitive step was to enroll in a Masters of Professional Counseling Degree.
During my internship, I worked as a counselling trainee in Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and managed to conduct individual counselling to various populations, such as working adults with depression, juvenile delinquents as well as the elderly. Together with my fellow classmates, we were also privileged to provide group sessions and self-exploration workshops to juvenile delinquents.
The main therapeutic approach that I use is Reality Therapy, which focuses on assisting clients to develop and move closer to goals that they want in life. Instead of exploring the past, Reality Therapy looks at our present, and future. Reality therapy also helps us make effective choices to meet our five basic needs, including survival needs, love, and belongingness, power, freedom, and fun. In addition, I also use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which focuses on helping clients come to terms with the various aspects of their life, both good and bad to help them find balance.
At present, I work with The Mind to provide their corporate partners with a wide range of assistance, such as individual coaching, group work, as well as training session for clients to build their resiliency as well as to cope with their current challenges.
Life is filled with challenges. Everyone has different and unique values that is shaped by our childhood experiences, family upbringing, culture, gender, social class to name a few, and I believe that everyone is the expert of their lives. Being able to make effective choices, and coming to terms with their experiences helps them live life to the fullest. And whilst it’s common for us get lost sometimes, or get stuck, I hope to act as a guide on your journey. After all, it’s okay not to be okay, and I’ve got your back.