Hello there everyone!
Sir Post-A-Lot here once again on this happy Hump Day! I hope all you lovely people are doing well and enjoying your day out and about, at work or wherever it is that life has taken you!
Today we bring you an article from psychologytoday.com and they talk about how we can go about managing OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder. OCD is one of those ‘glamour’ disorders that have been picked up by Hollywood and are often portrayed in a dramatised way, either in jest or with much drama.
But back in real life, individuals suffering from OCD experience it much differently, and can often manifests itself in a myriad of ways. Whilst some individuals can experience OCD much like what we see in the movies, there are others still who experience it in ways that may not be obvious to others around them, but can be equally as debilitating to their quality of life.
The good news however is that there exists therapeutic methods that can make a difference in the lives of individuals suffering from OCD. That is not to say that treatment will completely eliminate OCD from their lives, but with the right work, and the right attitude, there’s every chance that they can lead healthy and productive lives.
The article at psychologytoday.com talks about the different kinds of OCD, as well as the different kinds of treatments that can be used to treat it. So clickety clack away on the link and have a read!
If you find that you’re struggling with OCD, remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. There’s always something that you can do, so reach out to your friends and loved ones for their support, or maybe even a mental health professional such as a clinical psychologist who would be able to provide you with the skills and support that you need to get back on your feet again.
Right, that’s Sir Post-a-lot signing off! Have a good one good fellows, till next time!