Hello everyone!
Sir Post-A-Lot here once again. Now you may have noticed that we've been a little shy on posts of late. And I assure you good lady and fellow it is not I Sir Post-A-Lot who has been frolicking in the fields. Rather, it was a rather nasty and savage attack on our lands which brought our mighty server to its knees. We gathered our bravest knights, the Knights of the not-so-round table and justice prevailed! And here we are once again!
Today is World Mental Health Day. A day where we all do our part to spread the good word and fight the good fight for mental health. It's blessing when we hear people talk openly and frankly about mental health, because that means people are starting to be less afraid of those big scary monsters like depression, anxiety and schizophrenias to name a few. But the battle is not won yet, so lets keep fighting for the day that mental health disorders can be talked about and dealt with like the common cold.
Speaking of monsters, today we bring you some fantastic artwork from a talented artist named Toby Allen. He mentions that his artwork was inspired by his desire to make tangible mental health disorders that are faceless and hidden. And seeing that its World Mental Health Day, what better way to celebrate it then to give life to these monsters of ours, so that one day we may learn to deal with them.
Head on over to Toby's page at zestydoesthings.tumbler.com for a gander yourself! This is Sir Post-A-Lot signing off! Time to rally the troops once again and bring these beasts to their knees!