Hello everyone!
Sir Post-A-Lot wishing you a very warm Wednesday morning, hoping all is well in your little crook and cranny of the world. If you’re living in KL or thereabouts, you’ll probably be noticing a sudden decline in traffic, both in terms of cars as well as the people running around.
The annual migration for many of us urban folk during these festivals is a great chance for us to head back to our roots and spend some time with our loved ones. But going back home brings with its fair share of problems as well.
The folks at Goodtherapy.org brings with us a little first-aid manual of sorts, providing us with some good strategies to survive our journey back home. From Aunts pestering us about when we’re getting married, or uncles telling us that we should invest more, or even grandparents who say that we have packed on/lost a few pounds here in there, it can be a trying experience to say the least.
We love our family (most of the times anyways), how could we not? But that doesn’t mean that sometimes, we can’t have too much of a good thing, and that holiday full of fun and games back home, isn’t that fun anymore
So head on over to Goodtherapy.org and have a read. You may just learn a thing or two that may keep your sanity, and most importantly, love for your family intact!
Here’s to a great trip back home! Drive safe, have fun, eat loads and we’ll see you guys real soon!