Selamat Hari Rabu Semua!
Sir Post-A-Lot here once again! Hopefully you’ve had a great start to the new year! Keep it up everyone!
Today we bring you an article from the and they write about a different way to parent. Many of us, particularly those of us in Asian cultures are often exposed to a more punitive styles of parenting, where the parents’ word is law and any violation would bring about some punishment of some sort. As the saying goes, “It worked with me, why shouldn’t it work now?”.
But perhaps there is another way of disciplining our kids. In the article by the, the author talks about her own journey into finding out a new way to discipline her children. She talks about how she moved from ‘rules’ which she used to govern her kids, to a style which encourages her children to think of consequences of their actions and feasible alternatives that they could employ.