Hello everyone!
Sir Post-A-Lot here again after a little bit of a hiatus. We ran into some technical snafus, so I’m told, and as such, spent my free time battling mangy curs that plagued my lands.
Today, we bring you as post from Brainpickings.org, and they share with us a brilliant book entitled Cry Heart, But Never Break. The author navigates the sometime scary, and almost always sad passages that we go through when our love ones pass on. The loving way in which the author talks about death, normalising it and helping the little ones in the book come to understand what death is, is simply breathtaking.
Death is something that many of us actively try and avoid thinking about. Although, in some ways, our very lives are lived, in an effort to try and live the best life that we can to prepare for our deaths. Our families, our loved ones, our legacy. These are the things that we live behind when we call upon our eternal slumber. And yet, given something that we so actively try and prepare for, we tend to avoid.
I suppose because death is one of those things that we can never really prepare for. Its inevitability is sure, a looming presence that we know will come. But for it’s uncertainty, and unknown, we try our very best to avoid it. For some of us, that means living our life to the very fullest, for others, to fear and hide from.
Cry Heart, But Never Break is geared towards helping our children understand death, and what it brings. But I’m sure many of us adults will be able to benefit from a read as well.
So clickety clack your way to Brainpickings.org and have a read. And you may want to prepare a tissue or two, cause I sure reached for some. You know, cause of allergies and stuff.
This is Sir Post-A-Lot signing off good Sirs and Ladies!
Illustration by Charlotte Pardi