Hi there y’all!
It’s been quite awhile since our last post! No excuses, just that life has a funny way of getting away from you. And in our case, almost 2 years worth of running away!
But I’m glad to say that we’re back, and we’re back with a passion! One of the main pillars on which we’ve built up The Mind has always been education and sharing the good word of psychology, alongside providing good therapy to our clients. And whilst we’ve done great in the therapy side of things, we’ve always been very passive in our educating, passive in the sense that we’ve always responded well to requests to share about psychology, without ever having creating content on our own.
But I’m happy to report that we’re going to make a good swing and changing this around! After much soul-searching and deliberation, we’re going to change this around a little, to try and churn out content which we all hope you’ll like!
Starting earlier this month, we’re going on a social media blitz, where we’ve revamped how we connect with you guys! Overarchingly, What’s On Our Mind is going to be our social media platform, where we share out the content that we’ve created especially for you! Now, we’re going to start with sharing some of what we love, but as we go on, we really do hope to engage you and to hear from you, the different aspects you want us to share and talk about.
With that in mind (no pun intended), we’ve updated our FB page, revived our Instagram, finally created a LinkedIn profile and turned on Twitter to make it even easier for you to stay in touch with our comings and goings. we’ll be using these platforms to engage all of you, as well as to share the content we’ve created.
Adding to that, we’ve also made the decision to become YouTubers and Podcasters! ‘What’s on Our Mind’ is going to be our YouTube channel where we share videos we’ve made, as well as interviews where we talk about good mental health. Whilst ‘The Mind Speaks’ is our podcast, where we speak to everyone, from the masters of industry here in Malaysia and beyond, as well as everyday Joe and Jane as we do deep dives into what psychology means to all of you.
I’m happy to announce that we’ve already started to produce content, and it’s something we’re hoping to be able to do regularly (Promises, promises, we know! But we mean it this time, really!), at least on a weekly basis to start with. So make sure to check in on with your social media platform of choice to listen in!
In the mean time, clickety clack on the links down below and give us a follow! We can’t wait to hear from all of you soon! Have a great one everyone!
Instagram: http://instagram.com/themindpsat
Twitter: http://twitter.com/themindpsat
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/themindpsat
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI8QvdYZwIW4Pt-ZJWVTfTw
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/themindspeaks
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6fDSASG8P8OW5cQTbeuhhj
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/my/podcast/the-mind-speaks/id1514366692